Conduct a needs analysis and plan your psychological health and safety strategy

A well-conducted needs analysis, using best-practice tools and frameworks, can identify areas of strength, weakness, and opportunity across your organisation. Using the audit results, Aspect Group can help you design a psychological health and safety strategy tailored to the specific needs of your workforce. But where do you start? We can step you through the process of planning and implementing tangible, action-oriented solutions that help your organisation accomplish its goals.

Are you managing psychosocial risk in your workplace and optimising the psychological health of your employees?

Implementing a psychologically safe culture is complex. Aspect Mental Health has experience addressing mental health risk across many different industry sectors.

Common risk factors that can affect the mental health of workers in any workplace include:

Heavy Workloads
Demanding deadlines and targets
Unclear Roles and Responsibilities
Low control over how the job is carried out
Challenging Work Hours
High Emotional, Mental or Physical Demands
Lack of recognition or feedback
Bullying and/or Poorly Managed Behaviours

Taking an integrated approach leads to the greatest wins

Evidence shows that the best approach to workplace psychological health is an integrated one where action is taken across three domains: preventing harm, promoting the positive and responding to illness.

We look at your strategy holistically and help you take positive action across each domain:

  • Protect the mental health of all staff by addressing risks to poor mental health at work such as role clarity, ensuring appropriate resources for the demands and requirements of the job, recognition of achievements, and respectful working relationships.
  • Promote mental and physical wellbeing and the positive aspects of work.
  • Support people experiencing mental health issues, and reduce the stigma associated with mental health conditions.
Adapted from LaMontagne, AD., et al. (2014) Workplace mental health: developing an integrated approach.

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Aspect was our preferred choice to deliver a holistic mental health program due to their ability to develop programs specifically for the need of the business. Aspect takes a proactive, professional, and very down-to-earth approach to developing and delivering mental health programs, placing the company’s and the employees’ needs at the centre of the program.

Client Testimonial
Michael Baker, Occupational Therapist

“I took a lot out of the session and can comfortably approach someone that is struggling as well as know the signs for myself.”

Participant Testimonial
Understanding Mental Health Participant, CPA Australia

“I found the training really helpful, particularly on how to de-escalate conflict. I think it will also help me support my colleagues and know my boundaries. Thank you!”

Participant Testimonial
Mental Health on the Frontline Participant, Lost Dog’s Home

“Aspect’s online training programs are a cost effective way to reach all our employees. We’ve made mental health training compulsory because we see it as being equally important as health and safety.”

Client Testimonial
Health and Safety Advisor, South East Water

The mental health workshops delivered by the Apect team have been nothing short of transformative for our workforce.

Client Testimonial
Dr Julia Verena Stinshoff. Senior Medical Officer